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The Fate of Nijoriko

Nijoriko No Unmai



During the Great Annwn war, a family of  Arch Fey worriers liberated the people of Nijoriko from the terrible rule of the Akumuyasha Oni. The demons were pushed to the northern portion of the island. In an attempt to capture the Akumuyasha Shogunate, The Fey cursed the lands making it so No one born on The Great Island of Nijoriko could ever leave the island. Shortly after the Annwn Wars ended and all the Fey were forced back to Annwn, leaving behind their Descendants who were trapped on the island until Akumuyasha was all slain. These descendants were called the Hankami. They created 5 clans and established a ruling class to ensure that the people of Nijoriko would be protected from the Akumuyasha. The 5 clans were Aki, Fuyu, Haru, Natsu, and Yami. 


1000 years later the people of nijoriko began to blame the Hankami and their decendents (Hanyo) for the curse. Tired of being oppressed by the Hankami Clans, the people formed a separate clan called the Kagayashi Clan to try and free Nijoriko from oppression and hopefully break the curse on the island.





















Natsu Clan

The Natsu clan rules from the midwestern part of the island in the tall volcanic mountains that divide the Island. The other clans reviver the strength and passion of the Haru clan and rely on the disciplined soldiers the clan produces.


Natsu Daizai: current leader of natsu clan. Fearsome worrior. Enforces strict harsh laws on the human people of natsu villiages. Truly loves and respects the land and people. Believes all nobility should spend 1 day a week servicing the community doing labor intensive jobs. Including front line fighting in battle. 


Natsu Kyo-u: First daughter and Heir to the Natsu throne. (Secretly feeding info to Akumu Yasha and part of a human trafficking scandal)


Nastu Jai: First son. Current general of Natsu Military. 


Natsu Eiji: Left natsu clan after the first civil war. Powerful Magus. Now travels with Aki clan.














Haru Clan

Haru Clan rules over the southern most province. They maintain the many shrines that act as offering locations for the many Kami and benevolent spirits that roam the great island of Nijoriko. They are known as healers and the other clans respect their wisdom and often seek council.




Fuyu Clan

The Fuyu Clan: In the frigid far North lives the Fuyu clan. These master crafters are known for more than their great innovations. They are also recognized for their grace and fluidity in everything they do.




Aki Nomads

The Aki Clan is the least respected among the Hankami Dynasty. They are a nomadic clan that puts on grandiose performances and festivals for the common folk of Nijoriko. They are also prized culinary masters and share their great confections with all who act with honor and respect.




Yami Majo

The Yami Clan hides in the base of the tallest mountain neighboring the Natsu Clan. They practice magics forbidden to most. They explore these dark magics and preform occult rituals in secrecy to help aid the Hankami in their endless fight to protect Nijoriko from the Akumuyasha.




The Akumuyasha are a clan of Demons that believe Nijoriko rightfully belongs to them and wish to rid the lands of the horrible Hankami Dynasty and restore the Akumuyasha shogunate and give a voice to the Yokai who, under Hankami rule have been hunted and slain.



A particularly powerful oni lord

















This Quick start takes place in The Natsu clan in a villiage called Yinue


Yinue Villiage:

Yinue is a small village in the Natsu province. The village is known for its famous Iaijutsu Dojo and beautiful dyed silks.


The village has had most of its warriors conscripted to fight in the Natsu Army against the Akumuyasha. The village, now lacking a strong military presence, has seen a spike in crime, and a rise in Yokai attacks. 

The Shoya has resorted to hiring mercenaries to deal with the raiders and monster attacks.

The locals resent the mercenaries and ronin and treat them with disdain.

The onsen is full with Ronin and outsiders.

Yinue also provides most of the protection to Ine village against Yokai attacks. In exchange Ine trades with fish and rice.  


Yokai attacks:

Kappa attack: Fisherman Tojoro and Toyaka found dead(investigation leads to believe they were from Ine Village), torn apart on the beach. Kappa attacks are usually rare and infrequent but this is the third attack in a month. Fishermen refuse to get on the water until the kappa are dealt with.

Giant Centipede: A family was attacked while honoring a dead loved one at the cemetery. 

Styrges: Traveling merchants were attacked (horses were killed) trying to come to Yinue to buy silks. The village will lose money and gain a bad reputation if the Styrges aren't dealt with before the next merchants come to town.

Corpse eaters/ Shitaibaru (seemingly organized). If the party enters the cemetery they will be ambushed by corpse eaters. They’ll find the grave keeper dead.

Blighted Floran: attack the guard barracks.

Onryu: A couple sneaking away to cheat on their spouses are both killed. The guard who watches the well the next night is found dead in a horrified frozen position the next morning. Vengeful Spirits of the Well. 


All caused by an Akumuyasha Majutsu-shi. She is trying to create mass death and having corpse eaters deliver corpses to her so she can create them into a powerful homunculus called a beast of pain.  


Yinue Rumors

Lost Souls of the well: Believed that anyone looking into the well alone at night will see the spirits trapped in the well. The rumor states that long ago before the Anwnn convergence, the village was at odds with neighboring villages. The neighbors wanted the land for its resources. One day they raided the village and slaughtered all who wouldn't give the land freely. A brave warrior stood against the invaders and fought them off. This Warrior was Chosai Iaizo, The creator of Iaijutsu. It is said that the spirits of the fallen are said to haunt the well, anyone unfortunate enough to see one in the water will be haunted by these vengeful spirits until driven mad or killed.


The hag in the woods: It's said that an old crone lives in the woods and eats anyone who wanders too deep into the foliage.


Kappa Infested waters: Fishermen refuse to go too far out in the lake for fear of Kappa, Amphibious creatures that drown and eat weak and easy prey.


Yinue Quests


Orphan asks protagonists to go to the grave as body guards. The cemetery has been shut down since that couple was killed there. The Oraphan twins want to go see their parents on their birthday. They’ve never had a birthday without their parents before. 


Isu and the Hazehebi:

An artist wants to paint the reunion between two beautiful Yokai. He noticed that they have been looking for each other while doing sketches in nearby mountains.  They must have forgotten what mountain to meet back at after they went away from eachother. Hazehebi are pulled towards the wind they were born from. North wind went north and south wind went south. When they came back to reunite they must have lost each other. When they reunite it will be beautiful and Isu really wants to be there to paint the moment. Only thing is. He doesn’t know how to get them back together. 


Yokai attacks:

Kappa attack: Fisherman Tojoro and Toyaka found dead(investigation leads to believe they were from Ine Village), torn apart on the beach. Kappa attacks are usually rare and infrequent but this is the third attack in a month. Fishermen refuse to get on the water until the kappa are dealt with.

Giant Centipede: A family was attacked while honoring a dead loved one at the cemetery. 

Henge: Traveling merchants were attacked (horses were killed) trying to come to Yinue to buy silks. The village will lose money and gain a bad reputation if the Henge aren't dealt with before the next merchants come to town.

Corpse eaters/ Shitaibaru (seemingly organized). If the party enters the cemetery they will be ambushed by corpse eaters. They’ll find the grave keeper dead.

Blighted Floran: attack the guard barracks.

Onryu: A couple sneaking away to cheat on their spouses are both killed. The guard who watches the well the next night is found dead in a horrified frozen position the next morning. Vengeful Spirits of the Well. 


All caused by an Akumuyasha Majutsu-shi. She is trying to create mass death and having corpse eaters deliver corpses to her so she can create them into a powerful homunculus called a beast of pain.  


Henge on the merchants trail:  traveling the road from Yinue to the site of the first attack is a peaceful trip. Takes roughly 8 hours to travel on foot and 5 by horseback. 

On the way the party will pass by 2 small statues of old men standing next to one another and a third statue fallen over. These three statues sit at the opening to a valley. If one puts the fallen statue upright a Abura-sumashi will appear and thank the party for their assistance and offer each of them a scarf. (+1 to resist toxic  gas)

Arriving at a valley. The pathway is covered by fallen Ginko leaves. Many of the leaves and the trees appear burnt and smell faintly of death. One of the trees appears to be fully decayed and pulsing with a dim unsettling light. Cutting into the tree will release a horrible myasthma. Phys+Fort CG14 or lose 1d4 morale and suffer poisoned condition. 2 sawms of blight beetles swarm out from the wound and begin to bite.

Swarm of bugs has 5HP(immune to physical damage) and 9 dodge. Can only attack one per turn. Are considered incorporeal. Attack +4 deal 1 physical and 2 poison damage. The sting causes a mild hallucinogenic effect. CG Foc+Fort CG12 or suffer the terrified condition. If one starts their turn within the swarm they take 1d4 poison damage.

Protagonists can follow the trail of blight up through a mountainside pass. The stench gets worse and worse until they must make foc+fort checks or suffer -1d4 morale and poisoned condition for 1 minute. 

Protagonists will come to a tori gate governed over in decaying vines. The air is thick with blight. Every minute spent beyond the tori gate requires a Foc+Fort check or take 1d4 damage, lose half as much HP and suffer the poisoned condition for 1 minute. 2 Charred husks clutching their throats with baskets of rotted fruit sit at the base of the stairs. (quick investigation leads the party to believe that they were mercenaries of some sort.

Beyond the gate is a tall staircase leading up through carved out rock and thick rotted foliage. Atop the stairs lies a half dilapidated darelect shrine (Ancient and forgotten by time). A green a blue fire burns within the shrine. Suddenly all of the candles light with this same blight fire. 

Dodge checks!

4 Glowing fairy orbs emerge from the lanterns.

3 Burning winged creatures

2 horrible corrupted humanoids. Skin twisted and cracked. Eyes vacant and glowing. Expressions stricken with pain.


Tinue NPCs and Places


  • Shoya:(M) The Village Leader. Reluctantly allows The Natsu War Generals conscript soldiers and sons to the war front to fight against Marauders, Yokai, and The Akumuyasha. Lost his wife to a sickness. Believes it was a family curse. (The wife of the Shoya will bear only 5 children before dying of sickness)

  • Ichiro:(M) The first son of The Shoya.(30yo) Trained under Iaijutsu master, to become the next master of the dojo. Conscripted into the war.

  • Renko:(F) Daughter of Shoya. (26 yo) Skilled hunter. Heavy drinker. 

  • Yue:(F) Daughter of Shoya. Twin.(21yo) To be married to the son(Aelif) of a northern city(technologically advanced) to ensure stability and trade.

  • Saburo:(M) The third son and Guard Captain. Twin(21yo) Skilled warrior. Has a child on the way. Avoided conscription due to the bravery of his older brother Ichiro.

  • Goroko:(NB) Youngest child of Shoya.(16 yo) Rebellious. Hates Natsu Soldiers for taking away their older brother. Spends a lot of time with Genki. 

  • Dazai(M): Asrian Record Keeper.

Shop Keepers:

  • Genki:NB): Haltija Sake Brewmaster and Alchemist

  • Madoka(F): Kitsune Onsen Owner

  • Ikaza(M): Iaijutsu master. Head of the Dojo

  • Ari(NB): Aelif Shinshoku of Chosai Kami Shrine (Shrine Keeper)

  • Akane(F): Dye Maker

  • Yuibaba and Kenno (F): Silk Traders

  • Elo and Mirai(M): Old fisherman. Runs the squid hatchery 

  • Kalen(F): Elder Healer. Former soldier.

  • Adon(M):  Storyteller and bookstore keeper.


  • Kaori(F): Village Guard. Deputy. In love with Yue.

  • Kenyo(M): Village Guard. Hot head. 

  • Aoba(M): Young Guard. Nervous. Wants to do the right thing.


  • Inagawa(F): Known criminal. Deals in illegal trade, secrets, weapons dealing. Has a connection with the Kageyashi.

  • Isu (F): local Artist needs help getting to the nearby mountains to paint a dangerous but beautiful Yokai. Hazehebi. He needs someone to keep it calm while he paints it.

  • Lyn(NB): Aelif Traveling Performer with Aki Troupe. Tricksters.

  • Nyl(NB): Aelif Traveling Performer with Aki Troupe. Tricksters.

  • Michi(M): Emberkin Explorer and Zoologist

The Akuba(F): Damphyr Lives in the woods beyond the Rolling Hills. Makes powerful potions and gives fortunes. Exiled from the village. Called the Akuba Yokai.


Village Locations

Village Center:

  • Records and files

  • Shoya Home

  • Guard barracks and jail

  • School

  • Hachiman Kami Shrine

Shopping strip:

  • Mura Onsen and Inn

  • Oritsu Dyeshop

  • Yuibaba’s Silk Shop

  • Addon’s Bookstore

  • Sake Brewery and Apothecary

  • Yinue Medicine Shop

Rolling Hills:

  • Farms and Flower fields.

  • Squid Hatchery

  • Chosai Kami Shrine

  • Chosai Iaijutsu Dojo


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