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The Dracian are a species believed to be descended from the ancient dragons of stories and fables. Dragons, however, have not been seen by mortal kind in thousands of years. Dracian on the other hand, are abundant. Most hail from the eastern part of the continent, but many migrated to the west for work or freedom.


Special Features:

- Wisdom of the Forests: Floran may increase their mental stat by 1.

- Verdure Unification: A number of times a day equal to half their total EXP rounded up, a Flauran can meld into a tree. As a first action, a flauran can touch an adjacent tree and occupy the same space. While melded into the tree in this way, the Flauran regains 1 HP per minute and becomes indistinguishable from a tree. They also gain a +10 to stealth checks and can communicate with the tree.

- Photosynthetic Transfusion: For every hour spent in direct sunlight, a flauran can choose to either regain 1d4 health or transfuse the sunlight into Aurora to store  as floating orbs of light that float around them. These Slowlight Orbs can be channeled Later. The Potency of this stored Aurora is equal to 1 Pearl Iris and can be channeled in the same way. However when channeled in this way, the aurora never becomes ambient and is always completely spent. The Slowlight orbs only last for 2 hours. If not channeled within 2 hours they will dissipate. Flauran are also Resistant to Aurora damage and don't need to consume food but must spend at least 1 hour in direct sunlight every day in order to satiate their hunger.

- Nature sense: When a Flauran is surrounded by plants they have 360 degree vision and cannot be surprised or caught off guard.

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