Ælif are beings believed to be descended from the Annwn High Court. Due to this bloodline, they are born with a natural affinity toward channeling and manipulating Aurora. Aelif are tall, wiry humanoids with sharp angular features. Their long slender fingers, wrists, and elbows can all rotate in sockets allowing for a broader range of somatic motions for spell casting. Aelif can be found spread out over the Alyria.

Special Features:
- Ælif Wellness: Aelif are able to reduce the effects of toxins in their bloodstream. If an Aelif gains the poisoned condition, they may spend a 1st action and replace it with the disgusted condition instead.
- Annwn Ancestry: Ælif get to add an additional 1d4 to Checks made to resist mind-altering substances, effects, and spells.
- Annwn’s Chosen: Ælif can choose up to 2 spells or techniques that cost no more than 1 Aurora or Stamina point. They may use these as abilities without spending the related cost. The Aelif can use these abilities a number of times equal to their current Tier. Once used, the Ælif must meditate for 1 hour to regain any expended uses.
- Gifted Affinity: Ælif gain a +2 to their Presence, Arcana, or Focus skill. This bonus can exceed the skill cap.