Playable Species

Ælif are beings believed to be descended from the Annwn High Court. Due to this bloodline, they are born with a natural affinity toward channeling and manipulating Aurora. Aelif are tall, wiry humanoids with sharp angular features. Their long slender fingers, wrists, and elbows can all rotate in sockets allowing for a broader range of somatic motions for spell casting. Aelif can be found spread out over the Alyria.

The Dracian are a species believed to be descended from the ancient dragons of stories and fables. Dragons, however, have not been seen by mortal kind in thousands of years. Dracian on the other hand, are abundant. Most hail from the eastern part of the continent, but many migrated to the west for work or freedom.

Emberkin are born from the infernal bond and consummation of a mortal being and a creature from the infernal realm. They often take on a humanoid form with characteristics of both mortal and infernal parents. More than often they are bipedal and sport two horns. Though some of the more royal lineages have a crown of horns and some have been known to possess tails, fangs, and even a hard carapace exoskeleton. These appearances and the dark history of their Infernal parents tend to make Emberkin the target of undeserved hate. Though most Emberkin have no contact with their parent. Due to this discrimination, Emberkin tend to be outcasts or mercenaries, but some are able to find inclusive cities the harbor no ill will towards them.

Technically, humans are classified as Beastkin under the sentient species act and are often referred to as Apelings. Humans tend to be the most plentiful species in Alyria. Seen as the Mass majority, they are easily recognized in the western world as a member of the Sentient Species Protection Act. Humans were once a nomadic species and have the benefit of being able to survive easily in most climates.