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Aurora & Magic

Aurora is a powerful energy from far beyond the mortal plane. It is the primary element found within the Great Vein of Life, a vein of pure life energy that cuts through all known planes of existence. Due to its volatile and chaotic nature, Aurora is capable of manipulating the laws that bind the mortal plane. For the very same reason, it breaks apart and corrodes mortal lifeforms. The affliction brought on by over exposure to Aurora is called Aurora Blight. Despite this horrible affliction, mortal beings still sought to harness the intense powers Aurora could bestow upon them. Granting one with abilities to create, destroy, and rearrange reality itself was often too enticing. Through great trial and error, mortals discovered a way to safely contain Aurora to channel and utilize. These objects were eventually viewed as a source of great power and traded for goods as currency.  

Aurora Infusing.png

Channeling Iris

Spell Casting

Spells: If you have an arcane skill of at least 3, you know a number of spells equal to half your Mental Skill pool rounded up. (See Protagonist's Tome) You cast these spells by channeling the Aurora held within the Iris you have in your position.

Iris: The Iris is what contains the reality shaping substance used to cast Spells. Choose what size Iris you wish to Channel. The potency of the spell being cast is determined by the size of the Iris you are extracting from. The Larger the Iris, the Higher the Potency. The higher the Potency, the stronger the spell can become.

Potency: This is how much Aurora is contained within a given Iris. The Potency is represented by a dice roll that’s directly related to the size of the Iris being Channeled.


Radiant Iris: An Iris that currently contains Aurora is called Radiant Iris. When an Iris is Radiant, it is far more Valuable. After the Aurora is expended from the Iris, it becomes Ambient, leaving the Iris Drained. Drained Iris are less valuable than Radiant Iris, but still hold some value and are regularly traded.


Casting spells:  When you choose to cast a spell, you must build an Aurora Pool by selecting what Iris you will be using. The number of Iris you can build your pool with are equal to the Spell Cost of the spell you choose to cast.


Spell Cost: Each spell has a different cost associated with it.  This cost is how many Iris you need to Channel from in order to cast the spell. For each Iris used, roll the Potency Dice associated with the size of the Iris. This is how you Build your Potency Dice Pool.

Potency Dice Pool: This is the total amount of dice you will roll to cast the spell. When building a pool, you can select different sizes of Iris for use in the same spell. Upon casting the spell you will roll all your chosen dice together. The total of the dice pool  is how you find out the spells Potency.

















Example. If you’re casting a spell with a cost of 2. You will have an Potency Dice Pool of two dice. You will choose which Potency Dice to roll depending on how much you want to spend and how powerful you want the spell to be.


On Min rolls: The Aurora in the Iris reacts with your body negatively and you take 1 point of blight damage each time a 1 is rolled in the Aurora Dice Pool.

On Max rolls: The Aurora in the Iris is at its most potent but all the Aurora is burned up and does not become ambient and instead dissipates immediately.

Ambient Aurora: After channeling Aurora from an Iris, the Aurora becomes ambient for 6 seconds or one round and then dissipates. (More on Ambient Aurora in the Narrators Tome)

Iris potency Chart.png

Improvised Aurora Channeling 

Improvised Aurora Channeling: A protagonist who knows how to cast atleast 1 spell has the ability to channel Aurora and utilize it to manipulate the world around them. Many skilled magus of the past have studied the proper and careful utilization of Aurora. Because of their vigorous trial and error, spell casters now have a list of spells they may know and prepare. However, there is always room for new innovative spells. A spell caster can attempt to improvise a spell of their own design. Doing this isn’t easy and has the potential to seriously harm the caster and even damage nearby people or structures. 1st, you must determine what you want to do with the spell. You must then decide what Arcane Genus the spell falls under. Once you’ve done that, your narrator) will determine the check goal of the improvised spell. The narrator may use the following table to determine the check goal for the spell or decide for their own without the table. A narrator can use the table below to try and determine the Check Goal required for a caster to successfully perform an Improvised Spell. Based on the casters description of what they wish to do, the narrator can calculate the total using the table. Under each category there is a spell description with a number next to it. This number is to be added to the total Check Goal. The Narrator will start with a base Check Goal of then. They then tally up all the components of the spell and add together the associated numbers. The total result is the Check Goal to cast the spell.

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